Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walk 19 Albina to hilltop loop

Today Amanda and I went on a chilly walk in her neighborhood. It was neat to see things as I walked past them instead of as I sped past them in my car. I had no idea there was a middle school across from Emanuel hospital. It overlooks the freeway and seems like such a strange place to put a school. I suppose the school was there before the free way was though.
At the bottom of the hill was this little info plaque about the history of Albina. It was once it's own town founded by scandinavians and russians. It was incorporated in the early part of the 20th century.
Amanda enjoys learning. The picture shows Union ave (now MLK)  in the 1930's. At that time it had a streetcar running down it that led all the way downtown.
This was also where the Widmer brothers set up shop way back in 1987. They've expanded a good deal since then. The entire block on both sides of Russel is theirs now.

We wandered under the Fremont bridge and up to Mississippi where we strolled and looked in shops. We had to go into Flutter. It's just so irresistible! Even though I've been to the Mississippi area many times this walk had us meandering down streets and alleys I would otherwise not walk down. We saw beautiful houses and more historic sights. The views were once again spectacular which, I guess, is the difference between the hill walks and the regular neighborhood walks. 
Sometimes you encounter legs on some steps. It is Mississippi. There's even a sign when leaving the area that says "Goodbye Hipsters". That made us laugh.

It was another enjoyable walk even though it began snowing and was very cold. It's nice to get outside every once in awhile as I wait for summer.