Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Smooch Overcomes

He has overcome the waiting and worry about a full-time teaching position! He has been hired at Chemeketa Community College as a film/writing professor and they are lucky to have him. He works very hard for his students and is an excellent teacher and he deserves this job. Good job Justus! I am proud of you!

Let's not forget though that he does eat pizza and vegan chocolate cake sandwiches among other things.


A lady and her family. said...

congrats, justus!!! well deserved that's fo' sho'!

Amy Ellen said...

I know it! Hooray!

Unknown said...

Yay!!!! Sorry I interrupted dinner last night, but I was just too excited for you guys. It's also nice to know I don't have to drive down to the campus to kick people in the nuts if they hadn't hired him.

Amy Ellen said...

No problem! I'm glad they hired him too. That's a long drive just for some nut kicking:)