Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Obama changed my refrigerator

This poster has been hanging on my refrigerator since September of 2004. At the time I thought it would only need to stay up for a little while longer.
Unfortunately I was wrong. This poster was made by a 7-year-old girl and is titled "Thumbs down". I kept it on my refridgerator until we were finally rid of "president stinkhead" a term I find to be far to civil to describe our 43rd president. The poster was a daily reminder that the president did not care about the middle class. He did not care about children learning in schools that were falling apart. He did not care about the victims of hurricane Katrina. He did not care for the environment. He did not care that people were having to file bankruptcy because they couldn't pay medical bills. He cared about making money for himself and his friends. He cared about maintaining a facade of social conservatism in order to keep his "base" satisfied. Those are not priorities I share. Every time the poster would slide, scrunch and need to be readjusted I was reminded that I had to stay vigilant of things happening around me and try to change them even if only at a local level. Now we are in a state of a near financial collapse (yes I totally blame him!) and it gets closer and closer to home everyday. I am confident in our 44th president and that things will eventually change for the better. We need to be patient though and be prepared to work hard. I am so glad that my refrigerator now is only covered with pictures of my loved ones. That makes me smile every time I walk into the kitchen.

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