I love earmuffs. They keep the warm in and the cold out. They are a winter time necessity. I had misplaced my earmuffs and could not find them when getting out all the cold-weather accessories that one needs to survive in the cold. I asked for some earmuffs for Christmas and was surprised with 5 pair total (thanks again Steff!). I was very excited. Finally. I had my earmuffs back.
My ear muffs are especially useful when walking up Burnside against the wind. On Monday Justus dropped me off on the corner of 11th and Holladay as he does most days. This is where I catch the Max. On Monday I hopped out of the car, ran across the street and jumped on the train. Now, I have to get situated once I get on the train otherwise when it's time to get off I have to juggle so many things I would more than likely miss my stop. Here's how I get situated.
1. I hold my coffee between my legs.
2. I get out my ipod, put the buds in my ears, turn the power on, but I do not push play
3. I put my earmuffs on over my ear buds
4. I get out my book
5. I hold my coffee in my hand and read my book.
You see now I'm all ready to go when I get to my stop. Just pop the book back in my bag, press play on my iPod and I'm ready to go. Well, on Monday I sat down in order to begin my situation routine and I couldn't find my earmuffs. I looked and looked but they were not in the black hole that is my giant bag. I thought about where they could be and decided I must've left them at home by my hats and scarves. I made due.
When I returned home I still couldn't find them. I looked everywhere. In other bags, in pockets, in the car, under the couch. They weren't around. I was bummed. Lucky I got 5 of them for Christmas. I figured that they would turn up eventually so I grabbed my second black pair and stuck them in my bag.
On Tuesday Justus dropped my off at the corner of 11th and Holladay. I smooched him goodbye, hopped out of the car and closed the door. As Justus drove away I happened to look down at my feet before crossing the street and noticed a big black pair of ear muffs on the ground. I picked them up (I know!) and felt how soppy and heavy they had become after spending an entire 24 hour period in the same exact spot. My train arrived so I dropped them and ran across the street, jumped on the train and got out my iPod and earmuffs.
One down. Four to go.