Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You should try this

Sometimes on Saturday mornings I want to wake up with a cup of coffee and some couch time. Unfortunately, I usually have nothing to watch so I watch the local home improvement show. It is TOTALLY cheesy but every once in awhile I learn something pretty useful. Take for example this;

To keep your drains clear of gunk, prevent them from clogging and keep them from smelling this is an awesome monthly treatment. Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda followed by 1/2 cup of white vinegar and let fizz for ten minutes. Follow up with a cup of boiling water. I did this to all my drains and it really works. It's fun too to watch the baking soda and vinegar react!

You should try it.


A lady and her family. said...

i am totally going to try that!


Amy Ellen said...

It's so good and all natural! Yay!