Last night we watched "The end of Suburbia" which I totally recommend by the way. Basically, we have reached the peak of oil extraction from the earth and we are on our way down. We can no longer live the way we do. We need to move to local economies now. It was really eye opening. Things I can do:
*try to get a job closer to home
*continue to grow fruits and veggies for consumption
*get some chickens (I mean if I had to I could eat veggies and eggs)
Sue and I were talking about something similar. But we were talking about getting a hold of an Earthship so we can live totally off the grid. We could grow food, raise chickens (and maybe cows--I'm a hungry man), then declare bankruptcy and live off of like $300 a month.
It's such a good plan. She'll sell pottery. I'll try and sell writing.
Join us or die.
It really sounds like we'll be forced to live this way sooner than we think. The suburbs are gonna become the slums as people move into the city to be close to things they need. It's either self sustain way out in the middle of nowhere or move in to the city to be near services. If we can get there we'll make your Earthship our vacation destination.
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